The space mission turned out to be a disaster. The ship is stuck on an infected planet, its fuel reserves are low. The crew must have time to find fuel for the ship on the planet. 

You are now the owner of the spaceship's airlock doorFind out who is behind the door - your comrade or the infected one, in order to make a difficult choice - let him through the door or say goodbye forever.

You must monitor their health. Healthy - come in. Infected - be burned. Use medical equipment to be sure and not burn everyone, because there is still a way back ahead.

How to play?

  1. Turn on all devices and compare readings with the crew card
  2. Are there any deviations? 
  3. Possible infection!
  4. Use the scanner to find the parasite.
  5. If you find a parasite, you have two options: 
    1. Burn a crew member with a parasite. From his remains you will receive a serum that you can use to heal another crew member. 
    2. Open the door.. If the parasite is already in the brain, then sabotage will occur on the ship and you will lose some of the fuel. If the parasite has not yet reached the brain, then the ship will not be damaged.

Be sure to turn on the sound to feel the full measure of hopelessness. Have fun burning your friends.

There are four endings available in the game, try to achieve them all!

Please use fullscreen mode for proper view.

Advanced Guide:

  • The goal of the game is to fill the fuel gauge at the top of the screen and press the FLY button.
  • You receive fuel every time you bring a crew member onto the ship, unless their brain is infected with a parasite, in which case you lose fuel.
  • In addition, at the top of the screen there is an oxygen meter that is continuously decreasing.
  • If you don't have time to collect the required amount of fuel before the oxygen runs out, you will lose.
  • You will also lose if all crew members die.
  • In order to determine whether a crew member is contagious, you need to compare his health indicators (pulse, pressure and temperature) with the data in his personal card.
  • A deviation from the data may indicate an infection, and the more deviations, the more dangerous the infection can be.
  • Using a scanner you can detect the parasite. The parasite always travels from the limbs to the body and then to the brain. A crew member is only dangerous if he has a parasite in his brain.
  • If you have medicine, you can heal any of the crew members using the "INJECT" button.
  • You can get new portions of the medicine after burning crew members infected with the parasite.
  • No medicine is given for burning healthy crew members.
    Incineration helps prevent an infected crew member from coming on board.

There are four endings available in the game, try to achieve them all!


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(1 edit)

Интересная задумка и интерфейс. Было бы удобно, если рентгеном можно было пользоваться с помощью клавиатуры.

Сначала конечно лучше прочитать гайд, а то тяжело будет понять, что требуется в игре.

(1 edit)

Great game. It plays like “Papers, Please”. The art is great and atmospheric, I really like it. At the start of the game, I was frustrated about how to play this. I think the game needs a little tutorial. I spent time to understand what parameters do and how to use the x-ray.

I think, moving the x-ray is a little bit difficult. The x-ray needs a lot of mouse movements to move it around the entire human body.

Honestly, I like the game, devs, thanks  for it.

(1 edit)

Доброго времени суток, поиграл в проект с удовольствием. Краткий набор впечатлений:
1. Сам игровой дизайн (да и дизайн игры) понравились. По сути напомнило Papers, Please! Кажется, что если проект решите развивать, можно многое почерпнуть оттуда.

2. Очень критическая проблема: крайне неудобный рентген. У меня лично не получалось его двигать до стоп и до головы, он застревал и не двигался дальше. Крайне предпочтительно было бы, если бы его можно было двигать мышкой или, хотя бы, клавишами на клавиатуре. Кликами по кнопкам очень бесячно. Для основного инструмента игры прям хотелось бы сильного полиша здесь.

3. Не хватает всяких UI индикаций, это спишем на формат джема, но крайне сильно не хватило некоего алерта на то, что заканчивается кислород. Возможно, в этом и задумка, но было бы приятно.

4. К середине игры (на ~4-5ом человеке) не хватало ощущения прогресса, не было понятно, делаю ли я все в целом правильно или нет. 

5. Не отзыв, скорее рандомная идея, если появится желание игру развивать. Было бы оч интересно, если бы паразита можно было, своего рода, вырезать из тела или выжечь условным лазером. Это добавило бы динамики в игру, можно было бы сделать какие-то особые типы паразитов, которые быстро распространяются по телу и тебе нужно быстро их вырезать. 

Спасибо большое за ваши усилия :3 Вышло классно!

Thanks for the detailed review and the idea!

We actually had a lot of different ideas, but time constraints didn't allow us to implement everything we wanted.

As for the scanner, by design, operating the scanner should take a lot of time. But we will think about how to make it more convenient.

Спасибо большое за отзыв!

Управление рентгеном было так задумано, чтобы на его использование тратилось больше времени и у игрока не возникало желания использовать его постоянно. Увы, забалансить это и доработать UX не хватило времени)

I didn't have enough tutorial or hints

The screens with the text close quickly, I don't have time to read 

It is difficult to understand which button is active and which is not, you need to add more brightness

After 5 minutes you don't understand what to do in the game

Good art, sound, style

Thanks for review!